
Below are some humorous commonly used phrases that BAIO members routinely use. More will be added to the list as phrases become popular.

A Black man or woman who worships at the altar of White folks and spews hatred towards their own.

A Black man or woman who worships at the altar of America but has no connection to Afrika.

A Black man or woman that wants to establish a nation within a nation and a base of operations inside of America and has taken Afrika, or really anywhere else, off the table.

A Black man or woman who has no intention of separating themselves from the White man and his infrastructure here in America but expects Black people to “keep it real” and not “sell out” to some vague abstraction of “Blackness.”

Any issue or topic used as an escape hatch to avoid the solution of Land, Infrastructure & Nationhood (LIN)

A term, coined by Dynast Amir of Search for Uhuru, describing  a person of Afrikan descent in America who only worships his or her ancestors thru voting or only shows concern for his or her ancestors during election season.